Bela Marsh

Bela Marsh (1797-1869) was a publisher and bookseller in Boston, Massachusetts, in the 19th century.[1] Authors under his imprint included spiritualists[2] and abolitionists[3][4] such as John Stowell Adams, Adin Ballou, Warren Chase, Lysander Spooner, and Henry Clarke Wright. Marsh kept offices on Washington Street (ca.1820-1832),[5] Cornhill (ca.1847-1852),[6] Franklin Street (ca.1854-1856),[7] and Bromfield Street (ca.1858-1868).[8] Among his business partners were Nahum Capen, Gardner P. Lyon, T.H. Webb, and George W. Williams.[9] He belonged to the Massachusetts Charitable Mechanic Association and the Physiological Society.[10]


  1. ^ Annals of the Massachusetts Charitable Mechanic Association, 1795-1892. Press of Rockwell and Churchill, 1892
  2. ^ Bret E. Carroll. Spiritualism in antebellum America. Indiana University Press, 1997
  3. ^ Library of Congress. African American Odyssey
  4. ^ AAS. African-American History Resources
  5. ^ Boston Directory. 1820, 1832
  6. ^ Boston Almanac, 1847. Boston Directory, 1849, 1852
  7. ^ Boston Directory. 1856
  8. ^ Boston Directory. 1858, 1862
  9. ^ American Antiquarian Society. Bela Marsh Papers, 1830-1865
  10. ^ Boston Almanac. 1838

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